30 Bays in 30 Days Challenge 2024

1st July, 2024

Event image

Memorable swims. Memorable Summer.
Rediscover or start a love of swimming in the sea and use the challenge as a way to explore our island or spend time with family and friends.

Since the event was established it has raised over £250k for Les Bourgs Hospice and the concept has been shared with the Jersey Hospice & National Trust Jersey, it has evolved in Guernsey to include a smaller family friendly 9baysin30days version and also a Winter 12 Bays of Christmas challenge. Last year we helped to set up a 5 bays in 5 days event in the Bailiwick's Northern Isle to raise money for Alderney Cancer Relief and the Alderney Wildlife Trust.

Sign up today and support Les Bourgs Hospice in continuing to provide free, specialist care and support to their patients and also their families and loved ones.

What is 30baysin30days?

A chance to make the most of your Summer by swimming at least 30 strokes in 30 bays around the island during the month of July. We appreciate that with busy lives, work commitments or holiday plans there needs to be flexibility for you to complete the challenge so we don't expect you to swim every day if you don't want to. Bank the swims on weekends or when you have more time. 

OPTION FOR THOSE WITH A DISABILITY OR HAVE MOBILITY ISSUES - we are lucky to have so many amazing places to swim off Guernsey but some of them present a challenge to get to (particularly the ones off the cliffs). If you would like to get involved but think that you will be unable to swim at every bay on the list please still sign up then choose which bays work for you then complete 30 swims at those to complete the challenge.

Please visit www.30bays.org for full event information.

9baysin30days - Please note that we also run a shorter 9baysin30days which is designed for younger families, those new to sea swimming or with less time to complete the challenge. This only has 9 bays to tick off during the month and they are all easy to access with kiosks and toilets. Please visit our events page for more information and registration.

Team option - you can register as individuals then you can complete the challenge of ticking the 30 bays off between you in whichever way works best for you. For some it may mean that a core of the team swims in every bay and is occasionally joined by the other members, or, it could be that you split the bays between you. You choose! This is designed to be completely flexible for those that don't have the time to complete the whole challenge individually. If you have a large corporate team please call the Fundraising Administrator at Les Bourgs Hospice tel: 210329.

Each entry will receive a beautifully illustrated map by the talented Caroline Cummins of Little Paper Gallery. Stick this up on your wall to tick off your swims with pride. There will also be the option to purchase one to frame as a keepsake to remind you of those blue-sky, sun-drenched Summer swims in the dark depths of Winter. It can be tricky for us to know from the registration if you are signing up on behalf of someone who isn't in your household so please add extra maps in the registration process.

In partnership with Plastic Free Guernsey we are proud to offer a Beach Clean option so if you aren't a swimmer but wish to support the event, or keen to help keep our shorelines clear of litter please get signed up.

When does this start?
The challenge runs between 1st and 30th July but you can continue the challenge into August if you run out of time or are away on holiday. It would really help in the organisation of the event if you could register as soon as possible although registrations will be accepted at the first group swim at Vazon.

Where are the bays?

The List

Your safety is very important to us therefore when you are ticking off your bays for this event please, please only swim in the ones on our list. We have sadly had to remove Petit Port this year due to access being closed which we are very sad about but hope for its return next year!

  1. Vazon     
  2. Albecq
  3. Grandes Rocques  
  4. Port Soif
  5. Portinfer
  6. Baie de Port Grat
  7. Rousse
  8. Le Grand Havre
  9. Les Amarreurs
  10. Ladies Bay
  11. Baie de la Jaonneuse
  12. Pembroke Bay
  13. L'Ancresse Bay
  14. Fontenelle Bay
  15. Bordeaux
  16. Havelet Bay or La Vallette Bathing Pools 
  17. Fermain Bay
  18. Marble Bay (Le Pied du Mur)
  19. Petit Port
  20. Moulin Huet
  21. Saints Bay
  22. La Jaonnet Bay
  23. Petit Bot Bay
  24. Portelet
  25. Rocquaine Bay
  26.  L'Eree Bay
  27.  Perelle Bay
  28. Crocq Bay (behind Fort Richmond and accessed via the slipway)
  29.  Richmond
  30.  Cobo

    Additional bays to swap in or add to your challenge;
    Hotel Beach, Herm Harbour
    Shell Beach


    TO REGISTER for the 30 bays in 30 days event via RaceNation please click on this link.

    TO REGISTER for the 9 bays in 30 days event via RaceNation please click on this link.

    OR if you prefer, you can download a form from this website. 

    Please follow 30 Bays in 30 Days & Les Bourgs Hospice on social media for updates and rally friends, family or work colleagues to get signed up too!

    Thank you for your support.

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